THE LOGOSOL B1001 BAND SAWMILL comes with preassembled sawhead and a detailed user manual. You get started quickly with your production. B1001 is manufactured in Sweden. In its basic configuration it can saw 4.8 metres. It can manage large diameter logs, up to 100cm in diameter. Logosol’s own band sawmill is robust and has several well thought-out features that will facilitate when you are working at the sawing site. With fixed sawing measurements, you can easily produce the desired dimensions, quickly and accurately. You get a stable and extremely functional sawmill that is best in its class when it comes to sawing!
Bandsaw Mill B1001 – 23HP Briggs+Stratton petrol engine with electric start
$20,200 Incl. GST.
In its basic configuration it can saw 4.8 metre logs. It can manage large diameter logs, up to 100cm in diameter. Robust and has several well thought-out features that will facilitate when you are working at the sawing site. With fixed sawing measurements, you can easily produce the desired dimensions, quickly and accurately. You get a stable and extremely functional sawmill that is best in its class when it comes to sawing!
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